
Contributions towards Steve Newman Memorial Final


The Steve Newman Memorial Final takes place as part of the British Championship Speedweekend over the 29 & 30 June. Currently a record breaking 85 cars are booked to race for the weekend.

There is still space left for sponsorship on the Saloon Stock Car which is being given to the top White & Yellow graded driver in the Steve Newman Memorial Final.

Anyone who sponsors will ge ttheir  name on the car either an individuals or businesses. Everyone who donates will also get a mention in the meeting programme.

Any money that is now put forward will go towards the cash prizes for drivers on the race so anything at all is appreciated - it doesn't have to be much!

If you are interested in donating - in order to get a mention in the programme and on the car you need to let SSCA secretary Marion know asap on 01472 813969.