
Heinegone 2015



13 Pieter “Peewee” Liestra is one of the top National Banger stars to come from Mainland Europe – and the Dutch race aces frequent trips to the UK have made him as popular on these shores as he is in his native Holland.

Peewee really does epitomise what Banger Racing should all be about. He has raced an absolutely astonishing array of top material which rivals the list raced by any other driver in the sport. Every car that Peewee has raced without exception has also been done in the true spirit of the sport and every Banger that Peewee has been crashed in the true spirit of the sport with the trademark big smile of Peewee’s accompanying it and handshakes all round.

Peewee was a regular visitor to the UK and raced here more often than on his native shores in recent years and has been tremendously popular on both sides of the channel. He raced at King’s Lynn many times and the Lynn circuit has been his most frequented circuit in recent years.

Unfortunately Peewee announced that he had to hang up his helmet last year with his last meeting actually taking place at King’s Lynn in the shape of the 2014 Unlimited Banger Icebreaker.

Having made many firm friendships over the years on track - one of which is with Steve “Psycho” Hemmings who himself had a hugely successful farewell bash at King’s Lynn in 2013 – Axe-Tinction which was regarded by many as being one of the finest Banger Meetings in recent years. When Peewee announced he was retiring it was felt that a driver who has contributed so much to the sport both in the UK and in Mainland Europe could not be allowed to just fade away and his career should be marked and celebrated.

Shortly after this “Heinegone” was announced – a meeting where the sport could say goodbye to a great ambassador for it. The name was coined with reference to Peewee’s unique number fin which has already been created from a Heinekin Beer Crate.

If there was ever any doubt about Peewee’s popularity as soon as this meeting was announced driver’s have been sourcing cars for this meeting and we have had to unfortunately turn around 70 drivers away due to not being able to fit everyone who wants to race.

170 drivers have been accepted though – an incredible array of material has been promised and the 2015 Unlimited Banger Heinegone  promises to be a night of Banger action not to be missed.

 Check out the menu on the left hand side for all the information which you need to know about this superb event!!

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