
Two Heinegone Bookings up for Grabs

Two bookings for Peewee's Unlimited Banger Heinegone meeting will be up for grabs racing at the Unlimited Banger Bandit Memorial which takes place at King's Lynn on 16 May.

The top finisher in the meeting final who has not yet recieved a booking and who wishes to race at Heinegine together with the driver who scores the most Entertainer League Points over the course of the meeting but has not yet received a booking and wishes to race will get a booking for an event which has had over 70 drivers turned away from it. 

In the event of no finisher in the meeting final having not received a booking for Heinegone or not wanting a booking then this spot will be rolled over to the top points scorer of the meeting.

The Unlimited Banger Bandit Memorial has a £2000 Prize Pot. Start money is available to those booked in to race with the correct roof colour and should there be any money left after has been spent the remaining money will be put up a Prize Money throughout the meeting.

Provided they have the correct roof colour and are booked in to race, drivers will receive the following start monies...

Drivers travelliing up to 50 miles: £30

Drivers travelling between 51 and 100 miles: £40

Drivers travelling 101 miles or over: £50

Please remember that once the £2000 Prize Pot is used there will be no more monies paid.

Bookings are now being taken for both this and the 2L Bangers which are racing on the same day.

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