
Thanks to everyone for a great meeting!

We would like to thanks all drivers, race teams, officials and fans who came together who give Peewee such a great send of in his final Banger race event which took place at King’s Lynn last night.

The effort that drivers and race teams had gone to source and prepare their cars was quite simply immense and the manner which it was used incredible and saw a level of action being delivered which will see Heinegone linger long in the memory for all who were there. It was good to see that virtually all drivers honouring their bookings with only two drivers failing to race and not telling us.

We would also like to thank our officials who once again organised the meeting to run like clockwork and this is despite far from ideal conditions and a pits area which was bursting to capacity. The weather did its best to spoil things and would have completely ruined the meeting at many shale meetings but once again track curator Buster Chapman and his team did an excellent job in the way they prepared the track following Monday’s Speedway World Cup Round to be able to take a lot of rain and retain grip and then to blade the track during the meeting after the initial heats to produce a near perfect shale racing surface!

Thanks as well to the fans who in the majority of case behaved fantastically well showing the stadium respect although there are always the odd one or two who will deliberately damage things which is sad to see at a venue which continues to have so much invested in it improving facilities for fans of the sport to enjoy. There was a fantastic atmosphere around the stadium which the weather could not dampen with everyone even participating in Matt’s Mexican Wave as well as vocally getting behind the efforts of the drivers on track!

Finally thanks to Peewee who put so much effort into his meeting. I must admit to having thought he had absolutely no chance in his wish to compe in every race but thanks to his dedicated team working wonders in the pits as Peewee was getting stuck into the action as always and did not finish any race and his team had repairs to do to every car which came off track - and a little help from 611 Joe Geeves - Peewee completed his wish of competing in every event at his meeting – 11 in total which is surely something that will stand as a record now! He has asked us to thanks everyone – drivers, fans and officials – who came together to produce him a send of the sport which as he said was everything he could have possibly wished for and more! Thanks for the memories Peewee!

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