
ORCi Statement regarding drivers exiting cars

Statement from the Oval Racing Council International

With immediate effect, drivers will not be allowed to exit their cars whilst the race circuit is live i.e. under “green” racing conditions. This includes both drivers on the race track whose car has become immobilised and those who retire to the infield who must also remain in their cars with both their safety harness and helmet on. The only exception to this is where a car needs to be vacated in emergency conditions – i.e. fire etc. If a driver is in a car and feels there is a problem which officials may not be aware of which potentially makes staying there unsafe, they should indicate this to an official with the “thumbs down” signal who will then ask race control to suspend the race.  It should be noted that in all cases, the primary cause(s) of the suspension/stoppage, shall be excluded for any re-run or re-start.

If a waved yellow caution or red flag race stoppage is instigated, drivers who are already on the centre must remain strapped in and with helmets on. Drivers who are in immobilised cars on other parts of the circuit may exit their cars whilst the race is suspended but must go into a designated area which is considered by the promotion to be the safest place to be whilst the race is live, which may well be off the track completely.

Drivers will be informed of where this area is by means of a driver briefing or driver handout. Drivers who are still unsure of where this area is should ensure they find out where it is before racing by contacting the Clerk of the Course or another senior official.

Please note that the above covers all formulas and race tracks within the ORC.

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