
Dowson set to dowse competition this Saturday


The last meeting here at Kings’ Lynn saw a superb night of BriSCA F1 Stock Car action - the last lap of the F1 Stock Car Final where the top three were altogether and you didn't know who would win; was certainly one of the main highlights.

John Dowson (94) was right in the middle of the action of that race and took two other victories on the night also, certainly one of the main men on shale; Keith Organ got a few q and a with John ahead of Saturday 28th.

KO: How’s the season going for you so far; results wise it seems decent?

JD: I’ve had a very good start to the season with a final win at Belle Vue followed up with 2 wins at Kings Lynn, since then it has gone downhill with a lot of DNF’s, but i have still had good results in the odd race that I have finished.

KO: Onwards and upwards hopefully then; the last meeting at Lynn, you were right at the thick end of the action, what was going through your mind with Sargent in front and Frank behind you at the start of the last lap and what happened in the last bend which meant you didn’t finish?

JD: Going onto the last lap of the final I was right on Sarge's back bumper. I wanted to get straight back past him at the 1st corner as I also knew Frank was right with us, so I was wondering whether he would go for it into 1st bend or wait for the last corner, but you don't really have much time to think about it and before you know it Frank fired me into Sarge and passed us both, I clipped the fence coming onto the back straight and as it’s the last lap of a final you've got to go for it! Just as I was diving at Frank, my prop shaft snapped and I lost all drive, my momentum took me into Frank and spun him but with no prop I had no chance of making it to the finish.

KO: Fingers crossed for some better luck this time; Consolation and National winner at Lynn last time; you must be confident for going for the Final win Saturday? How do you rate Lynn?

JD: Kings Lynn has got to be rated as the best shale track we have. I hope we can get the car going as well at this meeting and then we'll definitely be in with a chance of a win.

KO: Back to red next month, you must be pleased? Or is it more difficult from red?

JD: I am pleased to be back up to red. I feel I should be red when I do all shale meetings. It is more difficult from red but I've won races from there before and I will do again!

JD: Just to add a big thanks to our new main sponsor for this year - Trainbase ltd.


Thank you to John for taking the time and good luck to him for Saturday’s meeting, find how he does at the Adrian Flux King's Lynn arena 28th April from 5:30pm.

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