
Trackstar Racing – Situation Overview

Trackstar Racing – Situation Overview: 11th May 7:30pm

Following the ORCi statement last week and the Pandemic update from the UK Government over the last few days, we would like to bring you up to date with things within the Trackstar camp as much as we can.

Like much of the Country, there’s a huge amount of nervousness and anxiety around health, mental wellbeing and of course financial strain; we’re feeling it too. Members of the team have been furloughed, or, are working doubly hard in their capacity as a key worker, 12 hour days and longer in some cases. Promoters have become Home School Teachers (We can only imagine what detention with Mr Butler would be like!) and everyone is dealing with the crisis in their own way. Being segregated or stuck at home can have a huge impact on you and you might not even realise. We would encourage everyone within racing and beyond to keep in touch with one another. We need each other more than ever at the moment.

As a Promoter, all revenue streams disappeared and much like everyone – there are still significant outgoings that still need paying. We talk to Buster on a regular basis and will work with him as best as we can to ensure the Adrian Flux Arena will be ready and waiting for us to return. The Stadium is a multi use venue; Stock Cars/ Bangers, Speedway, Drifting and a Music venue; all of which will be desperate for dates when the green light is given; it will be very busy on return as we all look to make the best of things.

The future though is very unclear – the most common question is when will we be back. This is simply an unknown. The Prime Minister laid out his plan up to July and if this proves successful, we might then be able to look at restarting after, but that is a big maybe. King’s Lynn is an incredibly expensive venue to run; closed doors racing, or limited capacity could be the future, but would prove very difficult to manage and may prove not a viable route for us. Practise days are being reviewed for when we get the green light from all relevant authorities, we will look at the viability of staging these, however the door is firmly closed on this route at the moment. As a Promotion we will need to work harder, smarter and use every string to our bow when we know what the future looks like.

Please be assured, as soon as we can, we will get back racing. We are itching to get back trackside as much as anyone. “Special” fixtures (for example the Pre75 Banger event) and others that have been lost will be re-arranged as much as possible.

We appreciate questions are starting to be raised in relation to licences – at the moment this isn’t something that can be fully answered, sorry, until we know for sure what season 2020 looks like, but please be reassured this is a topic already being looked at by the ORCi members.

Good health to you and your loved ones. Take care, stay safe. Thank you for your continued and valued support, from all of us at Trackstar.



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