
BriSCA F1 and BMB Statement

Let's get ready to positively RUMBLE in 2020!

BriSCA promoters and the BSCDA / BMB met on Tuesday 21st July to discuss 'how we fire up' those V8's in anger for the fans and secure a viable series of BriSCA Formula One Stock Car Racing in the late Summer!

The BMB have agreed a series of 11 dates commencing on the 22nd August and ending on the 8th November.

The BMB will be meeting weekly to collectively work together as we have to work within Covid 19 rules which may slightly vary from venue to venue as each has to work with their own Environmental Health Officers.

Each promotion will issue just 'how' they intend to operate, for example crowd capacities and ticketing methods over the next 7 days and then weekly BMB will provide a pathway to ensure by the opening we are 'ready to go' and we will review after each of the early events as to how we can, if possible improve the next and of course manage government guidance.

However, after weeks of work by the ORCi and promoters to have a plan to re open BriSCA F1 working in unison with the BSCDA is fantastic news for fans and drivers to at least get us 'back on track' and unite in some small way the BriSCA F1 providing optimism for the future.

BriSCA Chairman Steve Rees & BSCDA Chairman Peter Falding jointly commented ' It has been a difficult and tragic period however, it is great news to at least be able to start and get back to some form of normality and allow spectators as fans want to see the drivers and the drivers want to entertain the fans. We have still a lot of management planning to get this right and keep all safe'

Trackstar bosses Paul Butler and Graham Robinson are equally enthusiastic ' We are delighted to see the BriSCA F1's back at the Norfolk Arena in 2020, we re open early August with the new restrictions for admitting a crowd so we will have a good learning curve'  Skegness promoter Rob Speak added  'we are delighted that Skegness will welcome back F1's and there is light at the end of the tunnel. We have been working hard with our own HSE and EHO to re open Skegness at the end of July for a summer season, getting F1 back is a great bonus'  and Buxton boss Matt Watson said 'The Hills have been silent for too long, we are ready for the formula one rumble to return in the Autumn at Buxton'

It has not been an easy route as some stadiums such as Sheffield still cannot open until perhaps October due to it's category and we have to await further clarification in the governments plan for sports stadiums but Sheffield is expected to return in October. However, demonstrating how promoters work together and drivers, Startrax are delighted that they can re start their season thanks to co-operation with Rob and Asha and Trackstar and will be going 'on tour' for their first events,

Whilst this is all positive news there is disappointment that Spedeworth boss Deane Woods has decided to withdraw from operating BriSCA F1 in 2020 and 2021 [ see statement below ]. BSCDA and BriSCA are extremely disappointed and very much hope ongoing that this professional promotion returns to BriSCA F1 at some point in the future. The BMB acknowledges and respects everyones right to choice and sincerely hopes this is just temporary. However, the BMB are already now working upon plans for 2021 some of which will be shared by the Autumn, thinking outside the box and creativity to ensure we maintain the momentum of BriSCA F1 and the fan and driver experience into 2021.


The BMB will issue a further update next week as we advance plans for our August return, in the meantime keep an eye on promoters social media for local updates and information.


The 2020 Mini Season:

Sat 22nd August Kings Lynn

Sat 29th August Skegness Startrax

Sat 12th September King's Lynn Startrax

Sat 19th September Skegness

Sat 26th September King's Lynn

Sun 4th October Sheffield

Sat 10th October Skegness

Sunday 11th Skegness

Sat 17th October Buxton

Sat 24th October Kings Lynn

Sun 8th November Sheffield


Start times / support formulae and local Covid 19 information will be released shortly


BMB Statement of Spedeworth / Incarace position:

The BriSCA F1 Management board, in preparation for 2020 & 2021,have been advised by Spedeworth Motorsports/ Incarace that they intend to withdraw from operating BriSCA F1 for the remainder of this year and next. Spedeworth boss Deane Wood commented  ‘ I need a break from it to stand back, take stock and will take a decision as to the longer term future later in 2021. It’s not a ‘fall out’ with other promoters, we will be still working together, it’s to do with the culture, levels of respect and relationships.

We are a multi formula promoter which operates very differently to BriSCA and different cultures. Our decision is to focus on what we want to do and see where F1 May fit for 2022.


BriSCA F1 BMB   23rd July 2020 E/OE

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