
BriSCA F1 and F2 2020 World Finals Statement

2020 BriSCA F1 & F2 World Finals – Statement

FOR 2020 – FAST FORWARD TO 2021!


We have been reviewing the position since March with regards the Pandemic and the consequential effects and we had quite early decided that we would make a decision with regards the sport’s premier events in July based upon the latest Government advice and more visibility of where outside mass gatherings and sports may be going.

We have also been continually consulting our friends and colleagues within Mainland Europe as to the position ‘across the water’

Whilst the medium term is difficult to predict and a definitive date to return with a crowd, whilst there may be optimism that relaxation may well permit events to return perhaps August / September, we believe these will be restricted in terms of attendance and Covid 19 conditions and may also be unattractive to our valued older patrons.

Skegness Raceway & Startrax have been in regular contact in recent months as hosts of the two biggest events in the BriSCA calendar scheduled for September at Skegness & King’s Lynn – The BriSCA F2 World weekend and the BriSCA F1 World weekend. Both promotions are committed in doing what is right for fans,race teams and drivers for both these premier events and their significance and status.

Rob Speak and Steve Rees jointly commented:

‘These are the premier events for our sport and we have always had the mantra that the status and integrity of the BriSCA F1 and BriSCA F2 World Finals MUST be preserved and that any decision should not be purely commercially based for short term expediency – but should be taken protecting their integrity and drivers achievements and the right to wear that crown and drivers to qualify in a meaningful manner and the spectators to be able to enjoy the prestige and meaning of the events.’

Despite huge advance expenditure already invested in various advance payments for facilities etc, you will understand that any decision has significant and painful consequences particularly during a season of no racing thus far and no revenue.

However, we feel it important to make our announcement in a timely manner rather than ‘last minute’ to allow people to plan accordingly and amend travel and accommodation plans.

We must also take into account our friends in Holland and Mainland Europe as there remains considerable uncertainties over travel.

Startrax promoters Steve and Jackie Rees commented

‘Therefore, with a very heavy heart, we announce that the 2020 BriSCA F1 WORLD FINAL is postponed and will be staged in 2021 at the Norfolk Arena, King’s Lynn on FRIDAY 10th SEPTEMBER & SATURDAY 11th September with all details exactly the same as planned in 2020 – but, if we can, better!

Our plans are to allow ALL advance ticket holders to simply transfer their seat reservations / tickets to 2021 – due to Covid 19, we have not as yet put temporary stand seats on sale. Tickets and reserved seats in the Main Grandstand will be carried over and reserved for 2021. All other admission tickets for FRIDAY & SATURDAY WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY VALID FOR 2021 including camping / chairs etc. You need not do any more, other than stay safe and keep the faith! See you there!

We of course are bitterly disappointed and saddened, and as you would understand, it is quite a blow, but we believe it is the right decision as the right time for our sport. We have to think about the safety of all our customers and in particular our older fans & guests at this difficult and tragic time. It also permits everyone to make alternate plans and revise accommodation etc for 2021 in a timely manner.

We thank you for your support which has been invaluable and hope you will continue to support us in 2021 as together, we will get through these difficult times.

Later this month the website will be updated with regards 2021 – all conditions remain the same and you may STILL purchase tickets for 2021 in confidence. They remain on sale.

Given rising costs such as temporary seating which has again risen in 2020 and other costs, a small increase for 2021 is likely and these will be reviewed in the next 10 weeks and any changes will be announced in SEPTEMBER 2020 – In the interim you may book / order at 2020 prices.

We thank you for your patience and support, we are in this together and Jackie and I hope you will continue that support for 2021.’

Should anyone have any specific queries with regards the F1 World Final then please contact us by e-mail on

The BriSCA F2 World weekend will also move to 2021 at Skegness Raceway on the 4th & 5th September.

Skegness promoters Rob and Asha Speak also commented

‘ As most will be aware, we have been working hard all year on further improvements at Skegness Raceway in terms of facilities and extending the Grandstand in readiness for the summer season and of course the BriSCA F2 World Final being the highlight and of significance to us. The pandemic is not only a tragedy however we must carefully manage the effects. We are hugely disappointed to have to postpone the event until 2021 however for all the points Steve already highlight’s, it is unavoidable and exactly the right decision and we must come back in 2021 with the World Series stronger than ever. We thank you for your enthusiasm, support and good wishes, it is such enthusiasm that keeps ourselves and Steve and Jackie committed as promoters.

Should anyone have any specific queries with regards the F2 World Final then please contact us by e-mail on

Further guidance will appear in the coming weeks.


e/oe  9th July 2020


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