
Adrian Flux Arena Practice Information

Adrian Flux Arena Practice Information

Trackstar are pleased to announce that practice will go ahead at King’s Lynn  from 2 April 2021

The practice sessions are running whilst adhering to the government guidelines regarding Covid-19 and following the TSR/ORCI method statement and risk assessment.

This news item will outline everything you need to know so please read this article in full and carefully.


Format & Formulas

The session will run from 10am until 4pm (gates open at 9.15am).

All sessions are open to drivers from any ORC formula (with the exception of V8 and F1 Stock Cars . Numbers are limited in line with our Covid 19 risk assessment and will go on a first come first served basis.



The price for practice will be £50.00 per driver and must be paid in advance. PLEASE NOTE:- Car sharing is NOT permitted due to COVID-19 rules at these practice sessions.


Booking Information

All bookings MUST be made and paid for in advance at least 24 hours before the session. Bookings will be accepted on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. Bookings for practice sessions can be made using the online form here. Before contacting us to book-in please ensure you read and agree to the file which is accessible via the Practice Information news item here and here.

Once your payment has been processed this acts as your agreement and there will be no refunds. Please note at time of booking-in we also need the name of the two assistants  coming with you and there contact telephone numbers for track and trace.


Attendance & PPE

At these practice sessions it will be strictly Driver + 2 mechanic.

NO OTHER PERSONS WILL BE PERMITTED ENTRANCE INTO THE STADIUM. NO SPECTATORS ARE PERMITTED. All drivers and mechanics will be required to supply their own racing PPE as normal plus a face covering  which must be worn at all times once within the stadium except in the case of the driver when you have your racing PPE on to practice.


Pit Parking

On arrival at the raceway you will be required to queue on the road outside the pit gate entrance until instructed to enter the stadium. On arrival please follow the signals of the pit marshal where to park. All transporters will be required to park whilst leaving a ‘cars’ gap between each other. There will be no space saving so if you want to park near anyone please waiting in the industrial estate and meet up with them before attempting to enter the stadium. REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST BE WEARING YOUR FACE MASK  BEFORE ENTERING THE STADIUM.


Social Distancing

Maintain a minimum of 2 meters social distancing.



Toilets will be provided but social distancing must be maintained whilst queuing to use the facilities.



Teams are reminded to follow the latest government advise with regards any travel restrictions when travelling to the stadium for latest info visit 


Exiting the Stadium

At the end of your session you are required to leave the stadium within 20 minutes of the scheduled session finish time. 

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