
Old Skool Banger Fest


Old Skool Banger Night

Following the success of our previous meetings, Trackstar are proud to announce that King’s Lynn on Saturday 13 May will once again be a time warp of 2 Litre National Banger meeting. 

The theme for the night is medium size family saloons, hatchbacks and estates from the late ‘80s and early ‘90s.

There will be two classes of racing taking place – one for Sunny / Almera sized cars and one for Nissan Bluebirds, Nissan Primeras, Vauxhall Cavaliers, Vauxhall Calibras and Toyota Carinas sized cars.

As far as construction goes, normal ORCi National Banger regulations.

Answers to some of the likely questions regarding the larger class are as follows;

·        Engine limit is 2 litres for all cars in the bigger Bluebird / Primera / Cavalier / Calibra & Carina sized cars

·        All engines are to be from the range originally fitted to the car for sale in the UK market

·        In keeping with the late 80s and early 90s theme, Mk3 Primera (P12) and Toyota Carina E models are excluded from the meeting – let’s keep it old skool! Cars.

-      Regarding the larger car class, similar age related cars which raced in the 2L Bangers in the same era as those listed in the title of the meeting will be considered to be allowed to be raced. If you have a car you would like to race please contact the promotion on 07939 580652 or by messaging our facebook page. Please note that you may not race a car which is not listed in the title of the meeting without written permission from the promotion through a text or social media message.

-       Engine swaps are permitted as long as it is age related and still has a distributor. No Power Ups. Example – Primera engine to a bluebird.




As a seperate formula on the same night a further throwback to yesteryear will take place with the all Sunny and Almera meeting taking place on the same night.

This meeting has also been opened up to allow similar age related cars and we will also allow Ladas, Maestros, Mk 3 Astra (8v only), Belmonts, Protons and Escorts / Orions.

Please note that Mk 4 Astras and Hondas are NOT allowed!

As with the larger class, similar age related and sized cars may also be allowed. If you have a car you think may be eligible then please text / whatsapp us on 07939 580652 or message our facebook page. Please note you that may not race a car which is not listed above without written permission from the promotion through a text or social media message.


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