
Sunday 4 August Dash for Cash races

Our fantastic big Stock Car Speedweekend on 3 /4 August will have a big conclusion for both formulas with a Dash for Cash planned for both the F1 and 2L Stock Cars.

We are looking for fans / companies / drivers / anyone who may be interested in contributing to either (or both) races as we try and generate as big a fund as possible for our drivers to race for! In addition for the 2L Stock Car Dash for the Cash, Trackstar will match any contributions to the Dash for Cash (up to a maximum of £500)

Our thanks go to Paul Nederpel Plumbing and Heating Engineers who have put up a tremendous £2000 for the F1 Stock Car Dash for Cash. This will see £1000 go to the winner with £200 going to the best driver in each grade (race winner excluded from grade awards).

Our hard working and long standing officials Mick and Maggie Ivatt have generously been the first to contribute to the Saloon Dash for Cash donating £100 which will be doubled by Trackstar so there is so far £200 in the Saloon DFC pot – what can we get this up to?

Anyone interesting in contributing to the pot (either cash or prizes) for either formula should contact Paul on 07939 580652. You can either donate to the main race fund or pick where you would like your money to go!

Although no donation (or prize) is too small, there are some additional incentives if you are able to do any of the following;

Anyone donating a minimum of £100 will receive an advert in both the programme and on the live stream

Anyone donating a minimum of £250 will receive an advert in the programme and on the live stream together with a weekend ticket or weekend streaming pass

Anyone donating a minimum of £500 will receive an advert in the programme and on the live stream together with two weekend tickets or weekend streaming pass and a kiss and a hug from Matt Black!

Interested in helping us with this? Please contact Paul on 07939 580652!





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