
F1 Stock Car Whites and Yellow Finale 15th March

Coming up next, another night of non-stop Stock Car action - Saturday 15 March, 5pm - F1 Stock Car 2025 Season Opener, Saloon Stock Car Mad March Hares rd.3+ Ministox

To whet the appetite of the New Season, as is tradition, the opening meeting will host the Trackstar White & Yellow Championship… the race worth over £1000, with thanks to T.M. Browne Construction and Building Maintenance for the additional sponsorship across 2nd to 8th and £50 lap leader bonuses for lap 1 to 9! This race will also double up as the Eric Graveling Memorial and our thanks also go to Sara-Jayne Smith and the rest of Eric’s family for their generous sponsorship where the winner will see the them take home Eric’s Number in winnings - £315!

The grid being based on drivers’ performances in the White & Yellow races, the grid of eligible drivers can be confirmed below-

White Tops                       

Row 1   Mark Allan (301)             Craig Chappell (375)

Row 2   Thomas Balmer (63)      Oliver Wadsworth (31)

Row 3   Joelean Maynard (151) Matty Allman (580)

Row 4   Danny Mitchell (404)     Thomas Cave (435)

Row 5   Seabird De Vries (H194)             Richard Dickinson (443)

Row 6   Craig Banwell (567)       Jason Robinson (162)

Row 7   Peter Collins (264)         Dick Gladdon (145)

Row 8   Connor Panton (228)    Charlie Jackson (282)

Row 9   Ellie Dickerson (403)     Paul Maintosh (510)

Row 10 Brooke Kitson (523)       Steve Carter (225)


Yellow Tops                     

Row 11 Karl Mosley (82)              Thomas Andrews  (453)

Row 12 Colin Goodswen (372)  Richard Woods (268)

Row 13 Marc Clayton (499)        William Adams (545)

Row 14 Jonathan Davison (469)              Mark Balmer (163)

Row 15 Geoff Nicholls (215)      Sierd De Vries (554)

Row 16 Mick Haworth (235)       Chris Brocksopp (338)

Row 17 Bradley Blyth (352)        Harley Halton (414)

Row 18 Pete Hobbs (108)           Thomas Rogers (269)

Row 19 Daniel Brooke (548)       Harry Graham (255)

Row 20 Hannah Andrews (350) Louis Goodwin (295)

Row 21 Jack Issit (102)                 Dean Mawson (131)

Row 22 Joshua Spires (452)       Daz Kitson (532)

Row 23 Sjaak Kentie (H179)      


Blue Tops                         

Row 24 Sam Makim (93)             Jake Harry (345)

Row 25 Lewis Hunter (22)           Adam Joyce (157)

Row 26 Courtney Finnikin (551)               Rob Mitchell (95)

Row 27 Barry Meyers (H855)    


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